@DalaiLamaDalai Lama
Once our mind is more calm and joyful, then our activities can be more effective.
Yes, I follow the Dalai lama on twitter.
And you can too! click the link above!
I had a friend on facebook who in order to keep herself from getting enveloped by negative thoughts she was putting up daily affirmations as her status update. She has since stopped doing that and I realized I actually missed her little affirmation project that I was secretly following along with. So, I needed to find something else that would help me get my thoughts in order (positive order) for the day.
Now do I think it's the actual Dalai Lama? Probably not. But it's someone who prints his words daily and I can appreciate that. It really gives you a different start and focus to your day and can really make you appreciate the little things that on a normal day you would give no thought to.
So amigos, what do you do to calm the mind or stimulate the senses in a positive way?
Happy Monday!
Feliz Lunes!!
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