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Tuesday, August 5, 2014

And Then They Were Three

3 is a magic number. Yes it is!! 
I truly meant to write this post a long time ago, but I had no idea where my feelings, emotions, or hormones would take me.  It turns out I went into protective mommy mode.  I was excited and thrilled, but only felt comfortable with telling close friends and family with what was going on with me.  I'm glad I decided to go about it this way, as the amazing people in my life were not only great friends, but also a huge support as I went through this amazing process. 

February 24th, 2014
When I first found out I was pregnant it was after a long stroll at the new Target close to our house. I was walking around the maternity section at Target and I remember muttering under my breath, "God, I would be a good mom." I remember being shocked that I had said that out loud, but then immediately began to wonder if I actually was pregnant. I headed straight over to the health section of Target and purchased a pregnancy test. 

When I went home I decided to take the test right away. I was only a day late and didn't think much of it.  You can imagine my shock two minutes later.  Don't worry; I won't post a picture of the stick I peed on as proof.  There it was, two bright pink lines staring at me.  Even though the Señor and I had been trying to get pregnant for a few months I was still shocked and surprised to see a positive result.  I remember calling Patrick and immediately began crying and asked him to come home. Lucky me, he wasn't in the middle of some dangerous project at work. He simply said, "Ok, I'm on my way." I felt I had time to run to a nearby store and pick up a digital pregnancy test that simply showed the words "Pregnant" and "Not Pregnant." I returned home and pulled a Bitburger Beer out of the fridge for my husband for when he arrived. Bitburgh Germany is the little town I was born in. I figured this would be the perfect occasion for my husband to crack one open. When he pulled up I showed him the test. His eyes got really big and he gave me a huge hug. I handed him the beer and went to grab a glass of water.  As soon as the H20 kicked in I took another pregnancy test. Sure enough "PREGNANT 2-3 weeks" spelled out in digital letters.  We were excited and scared all at the same time.  We couldn't be happier to find out about the next adventure in our lives together. After we settled down, we decided to take our dog Shed for a walk around the neighborhood. We talked about the future and becoming parents. During our stroll  I couldn't help but rub my belly and hum the tune; "It's a Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood."  

Saturday, April 26, 2014

Something That Made Me Smile

We don't usually watch a lot of TV, but we were able to catch a re-run episode of The Simpsons last night where they did a small tribute Studio Ghibli films. Just like countless of others out there, I'm a huge fan of their work. I fell in love with Spirited Away and Ponyo just warms my heart.  Anyways, I thought I would share this little something that made me smile.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014


Hi everyone,

I know,  it's been forever since I've updated this blog. What is my excuse? I have none really, except that life has just been happening. Does that mean I gave up on this blog completely? Not at all. There was times I came back to revisit past moments, look up old recipes I had posted on here, and read up on all the lovely blogs written by my friends. Recently I have had something occur in my life that has brought me back to my little soapbox. I've missed writing on here and I've missed sharing parts of my life both positive and challenging.
Just to bring everyone up to speed. Here is an update:

I am no longer a nursing student but an actual nurse. I studied my ass off and passed my NCLEX-RN (National Council Licensure Exam) in 75 questions back in October. Not only that, but I landed a job at the hospital I wanted to work at a week later. Transitioning from student to nurse has been amazing and the scariest thing I have done in my life. There was a full month streak where I encountered almost every type of challenging patient you could have on our unit.  I was so grateful for the other nurses and techs on my unit who helped out during the challenges and encouraged me when I did something right. The only thing that I can say that I dislike is the schedule. However, a wise nurse on the unit put it bluntly. She said, "Suck it up Laura,  you are a nurse now." I wanted to bitter about this comment, but she was right. I knew going into this profession that it was going to be challenging, but I accepted it full heartedly. Now that i'm in this actual position I find it eases my mind to just go with the flow rather than fight it. At least for the moment that is. Nursing is a job that can be very stressful. I have discovered that running and going to acupuncture weekly has helped keep my stress in check.  I've also downloaded some meditation apps to listen to on breaks or before I go to bed. It seemed silly at first, but I find it really does work! I recommend the  app for a good escape.

I'm still running, but I'm not trying to clock in long runs. Now I just run to feel good. I find I just run and listen to what my body is telling me. If my body wants to walk a bit and take in the sunset happening on the westside of Albuquerque...I let it. If my body wants to charge a hill like a mad women...I let it. This doesn't mean that I won't challenge myself in the future to clock in the long runs again, but for now this is what works for me. I still have the La Luz Trail Run in my sights. I'm going to run up that mountain some day.

Business has really taken off for the Señor this last year and we feel so blessed. We truly thank God for all the blessings we have in our lives. Construction is hard work and there is not a week that goes by that I'm not treating some freak wound he got on the job, but I'm so proud of him. His hard work put me through nursing school. His amazing support all the way through my crazy journey is something I will never forget.  We have both been working hard and are looking forward to our first vacation of 2014. We will be going to Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic to watch my good friend Alex get married. We love a good wedding!

Recently we did a huge grocery shopping spree. We waned to purchase food that we could prepare and cook at home. With our new work schedules, it's been easy to just go out to eat. As fun and good as that sounds, it does get old after awhile. I hope to share some of the new recipes we try on the blog. Got a good recipe? Please send me a link or post it in the comments.

I look forward to catching up with everyone!

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