I am a photo challenge drop out. It looks like I just couldn't mesh my crazy schedule and taking the correct photo on the day assigned. I know some of you really enjoyed the photos, and I'm sorry about not fulfilling the duty. The good news is, I've taken other photos to make up for it!
Recently I've been hearing a high pitched chirping noise coming from next door and I was wondering what the noise might be. So I grabbed my camera and went to investigate. Sure enough, underneath my neighbors carport was a swallows nest with two baby swallows. I didn't want to disturb them too much, but I was able to snap a few photos of the happy family.
On another note, clinicals are going well. They are exhausting and challenging, but I am learning a lot from the experience. I truly admire the work of CNA's and I'm glad I got to experience working alongside them. The nursing home facility I am working at is sub-par, and It reaffirmed my decision to never put anyone I love in a nursing home. However, I understand that this sort of option is necessary for some people. I do encourage that extensive research is done when placing your loved one in a nursing home, and visits and check ups on staff occur often. It is heart-wrenching to see some of the patient's in distress in the last years/days of their lives. However, as CNA's/Future nurses in training we are doing are best to bring a smile to the residents faces and provide the quality care they deserve.
I hope everyone had a great weekend! Cheers!
Those birdies are so damn cute!! Brava Pezzy! Also tell that damn school I want my friend back!