Just like many other Americans around the country the Señor and I were talking about
Where we were on the day of September 11, 2001.
The Señor was walking 10mins late to a class when he saw someone that he knew in the same class walking the opposite direction of him who notified him that class was canceled. When he asked why class was canceled? the classmate replied,"We are under attack." Upon his arrival home he switched on the TV and like many other Americans he became a distant witness to a terrible American tragedy.
As for me. I was awoken by a call from the swim team captain at New Mexico State University around 6:55AM that practice had been canceled. I remember asking her.."why?" as I hardly ever turned on the TV or watched the news in the morning, she replied "
A plane just crashed in the Twin Towers in NYC." I turned on the TV and literally gasped at the sight of it. As soon as I was getting a grasp of what was happening and that this was definitely real. The second plane hit live on television. I can't completely recall my feelings that moment, but I do know that I watched in horror as they re-played the footage over and over again. The next thing I know they are reporting about a plane that crashed into the Army side of the pentagon. I remember that my father often traveled for work to the pentagon, and last I heard he had been there. I started trying to reach him frantically, and couldn't get a signal out. I was finally reached by my mother who let me know he wasn't there and everything was
However, it wasn't
"OK" for thousands of Americans that day. Our hearts and souls go out to everyone personally affected that day. May we find strength in our loss and rebuild honoring the thousands who perished during and after the tragedy.
This video from NPR moved me. May we take the time to tell the ones we care about today that we Love them.